vegane Bolognese Sauce mit grünen Linsen, gerösteten Sonnenblumenkernen und Pilzen

Vegan Bolognese Sauce Recipe

This vegan spin on a classic bolognese combines protein-rich green lentils with toasted sunflower seeds and hearty mushrooms for a rich, “meaty” (but meat-free)...
Bunte Rote-Bete-Quiche mit Karotten und Ziegenkäse

Roasted Carrot and Beetroot Quiche with Goat’s Cheese

This carrot and beetroot quiche recipe is so delicious and easy to make! The beets and carrots are first roasted in the oven until...
Kräuter-Kartoffelsalat mit grünen Bohnen (ohne Mayo)

Herb Potato Salad with Green Beans

This herb potato salad is packed with fresh flavours thanks to a Dijon dressing that is loaded with fresh herbs. That’s right, no mayo!...
Mediterraner Nudelsalat Rezept

Mediterranean Pasta Salad

This Mediterranean Pasta Salad recipe is light and fresh, it’s loaded with summer’s favourite produce, olives, capers, and creamy feta cheese. Tossed in a...
Italienischer Brotsalat (Panzanella) Rezept mit Pfirsich

Peach Panzenella Salad

This Italian Peach Panzanella Bread Salad recipe is the ultimate summer salad. Unlike the original Tuscan recipe, which involves soaking stale bread, this version...
Bunter Bohnensalat mit Estragon-Dressing

Three Bean Salad with Tarragon Dressing

This quick and easy Three Bean Salad is a combination of several different kinds of beans (green, yellow and white), plus a pop of...
Kartoffelsalat mit Meerrettich

Creamy Horseradish Potato Salad

This creamy horseradish potato salad is so full of flavour that it’s bound to become a summer favourite! I dare say that even naysayers...
Tomaten-Nektarinen-Salat Rezept - Perfekt zum Grillen

Tomato Nectarine Salad with Feta

Tomato Nectarine Salad with Feta — the best BBQ salad! It’s quick and easy to prepare and absolutely delicious. It’s made with a stunning...
Spanischer Kartoffelsalat (Patatas Aliñadas)

Spanish Potato Salad (Patatas Aliñadas)

This simple Spanish potato salad is one of the most popular tapas in Cadiz. You can find many variations of this Andalusian potato salad...
Einfache Mediterraner Linsensalat Rezept

Mediterranean Lentil Salad

Meet my favorite Mediterranean Lentil Salad. It's quick, easy and full of happy sunshine! Sunshine that comes from all those tasty Mediterranean flavors of...
Rezept Amerikanische Biskuits mit Cheddarkäse und Schnittlauch

Biscuits with Cheddar and Chives

Fantastically flavorful, these homemade biscuits with cheddar and chives are perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! They are so quick and easy to make!...
Veganes Auberginen Mesaka’a (ägyptisches Moussaka)

Vegan Egyptian Eggplant Moussaka (Mesaka’a)

Most of us are familiar with Greek moussaka, but do you also know the Egyptian version?Egyptian Moussaka, which is called Eggplant Mesaka’a is the...
Graupenrisotto mit Pilzen und Spargel

Pearl Barley Risotto with Wild Mushrooms & Asparagus

This super tasty pearl barley risotto made with spring asparagus and pioppino mushrooms is one of those dishes that makes the effort of preparing...
Erdbeer-Mandel-Kuchen Rezept

Strawberry Almond Cake

A simple and delicious strawberry almond cake made with crème fraîche, ground almonds, spelt flour and a hint of vanilla. It's lightly sweet making...
Einfacher Joghurtkuchen mit Marmelade

Jam Swirl Yogurt Cake

This yogurt cake is quick and easy to make, and uses basic pantry ingredients. You can enjoy it as a simple cake on its’s...
Vegetarische Pilz-Quiche mit Bärlauch

Wild Garlic and Mushroom Quiche

This mushroom quiche makes a comforting vegetarian main dish for a family dinner. Hearty and filling, it’s packed with mushrooms, shallots, wild garlic and...
gestürzter Cranberry-Kuchen

Cranberry Upside-Down Cake

This cranberry upside-down cake with a sweet, caramel-like cranberry topping will be your new favourite winter treat. This delicious cake is sweetened with natural...
Pilzgulasch à la Bourguignonne

Mushroom Bourguignon

Mushroom Bourguignon makes for a healthy and comforting vegetarian meal that’s rich in delicious umami flavor. This plant-based version of the French classic Boeuf...
Original Schweizer Käsefondue

Original Cheese Fondue with Gruyère and Vacherin

This recipe is based on one from Fromagerie Tea-Room Piller in Semsales, Switzerland. It’s the best recipe for fondue that I have tried. I...

Tahini Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolatey, soft and lightly sweet! That’s what these tahini chocolate chip cookies are. And there is no butter! Rich and creamy tahini paste eliminates...