Mexikanische gefüllte Süßkartoffeln (vegan)

Mexican-Style Stuffed Sweet Potatoes (vegan)

Delicious, fast and easy stuffed sweet potatoes with fresh and healthy ingredients such as black beans, tomatoes, corn, avocado, red onion, lime juice and...
Rosenkohlsalat nach Thai-Art

Thai Brussels Sprout Salad

This Thai-style shaved Brussels sprout salad is satisfyingly crunchy and comes with sliced apple, fresh herbs and a dressing infused with punchy sweet, tart...
Winterliches Ofengemüse - Einfaches Rezept

Roasted Winter Vegetables – Easy Recipe

Oven-roasted winter vegetables are an easy to make and make a healthy, delicious side dish. And they are totally versatile — you can add...
Zutaten für Grüne Bohnen Pfanne mit Tomaten

Sautéed Green Beans with Tomatoes

Slow-cooked sautéed green beans — so simple and delicious! This recipe is inspired from a Lebanese dish called “Loubia b'zeit". It’s made with slow-braised...
Butternut-Kürbis-Suppe mit Birne, Miso & Ingwer Rezept

Butternut Squash Soup with Pear, Miso & Ginger (Vegan)

This creamy roasted butternut squash soup is so easy, healthy, and comforting. It’s made with only 7 ingredients, is dairy-free (yes, vegan!) and is...
Geröstete Miso-Pilze Rezept mit Frühlingszwiebeln

Roasted Miso Mushrooms

Savoury, delicious roasted miso mushrooms. With just 7 ingredients, this mushroom recipe is guaranteed to please. A mix of mushrooms are first lightly oven-roasted...
Einfacher Zucchini-Salat (Roher Zucchinisalat)

Zucchini Ribbon Salad – Quick and Easy Recipe

his Zucchini Ribbon Salad recipe features raw zucchini, which is cut into beautiful ribbons, and tossed in a simple lemony dressing along with fresh...
Veganes Matcha Porridge Rezept

Matcha Porridge

This delicious matcha porridge recipe makes for a quick breakfast that is loaded with antioxidants. Made with oats, oat milk and matcha powder this...
Steckrübensuppe - vegetarisches Eintopf Rezept

Root Vegetable Soup with Barley

A hearty root vegetable stew with rutabaga (swede), carrots, parsnip, celery root and potatoes. This rutabaga stew recipe is hearty, healthy and nutritious, making...
Massierter Grünkohl-Salat (Winterliche Rohkostsalat)

Massaged Kale Salad with Green Spelt

This massaged kale salad is one of my favorite winter salad recipes and is a great alternative to traditional cooked kale. This easy salad...
Ofengemüsesalat - Ein buntes Wintersalatrezept

Warm Roasted Vegetable Salad

This roasted vegetable salad is the perfect winter salad. It’s warm, hearty, and packed full of plant-based goodness. It’s made with a assortment of...
Grünkohlsalat mit Orangen & Kokosnuss

Kale Salad with Orange and Coconut

Shredded coconut give this kale salad with orange a touch of tropical flair while also standing up to the bold flavor of kale. Orange...
Schwarze Bohnen Salat mit Mais 

Black Bean Corn Salad

This black bean corn salad is so flavorful and refreshing! A classic Southwestern combo of black beans, corn, tomato, red pepper, avocado and cilantro...
Klassisches Gazpacho Rezept

Classic Gazpacho Recipe

Gazpacho is the quintessential summer soup! This chilled, raw tomato and vegetable soup from Andalusia, Spain is made with the season’s best fresh produce....

Green Bean Tomato Salad

This simple green bean tomato salad is one of my go-to summer side dish recipes. It’s quick and easy to make, is packed with...
Salat mit Weintrauben & Roquefort-Dressing Rezept

Salad with Grapes, Walnuts & Blue Cheese Dressing

This Salad with Grapes, Walnuts & Blue Cheese Dressing is a new favourite. It’s made with simple ingredients and is packed with flavour thanks...
Rote Bete Salat mit Fetakäse und Walnüssen Rezept

Beetroot Salad with Feta & Walnuts

A simple beetroot salad with feta, walnuts and dill. This salad has the perfect balance of earthy sweet, tangy, and salty flavors! Plus it’s...
Italienischer Bohnensalat mit Tomaten Rezept

Italian White Bean Salad with Tomatoes

This Italian white bean salad is made with simple, whole ingredients and topped with an umami-rich homemade anchovy-mustard vinaigrette. Serve it with crusty bread...
Linsensalat mit Apfel & Karotten

Lentil Salad with Apple & Carrot

This simple lentil salad with apple recipe is made with French green lentils, carrot, red pepper, sweet-tart apple, parsley and a SUPER tasty apple...
Garnelen-Ananas Spieße mit Kokos & Limetten

Coconut-Lime Shrimp Skewers with Pineapple

Many thanks to ELAG Products GmbH for sponsoring this recipe.Grilled coconut-lime shrimp skewers are a great addition to any summer BBQ. The prawns are first marinated...