Here you will find the best soup recipes to satisfy you in winter and all year round. Simple and easy soups using seasonal vegetables, ranging from light and low-calorie to hearty and filling stews. From classic one-bowl recipes to modern versions with a new twist.
This Creamy Cheddar Cheese Potato Soup is velvety smooth, bursting with the bold richness of sharp cheddar, and loaded with tender potatoes, all topped with crispy...
Lentil stew is the ultimate comfort food—a rich, hearty, and nourishing dish that’s perfect for cozy weeknight dinners. Made with earthy beluga lentils, smoky...
This incredibly flavourful Chili con Carne recipe brings together tender chunks of stewed beef, rich tomatoes, smoky bacon, kidney beans, and warming spices. Thanks...
This Easy Chicken Gnocchi Soup is a warming, one-pot meal perfect for busy weeknights. With tender shredded chicken breast, savoury smoked bacon, fresh vegetables, and pillowy...
Simple ingredients is all you need for homemade tomato orange soup -- a little onion, pure organic diced tomatoes, fragrant thyme, fresh squeezed orange...
This creamy roasted butternut squash soup is so easy, healthy, and comforting. It’s made with only 7 ingredients, is dairy-free (yes, vegan!) and is...
A hearty root vegetable stew with rutabaga (swede), carrots, parsnip, celery root and potatoes. This rutabaga stew recipe is hearty, healthy and nutritious, making...
Soups & Stews: comfort food that is easy, nutritious, and delicious
Most of my recipes are rich in plant-based goodness and suitable for vegetarian or vegan diets. You’ll find recipe made with nutritious, seasonal vegetables, high-fiber beans, hearty grains, and most importantly, plenty of flavor as well.
Try my classic tomato soup, simple chicken potato soup, lentil soup, minestrone or one of my many vegetable soups made with fresh, seasonal ingredients. I also have a number of Asian-inspired versions with noodles, as well as ones made with curry and coconut milk.
Whether you are looking to for a recipe to feed the family, impress guests, looking to enjoy a lighter meal, doing a light detox, or you simply want to enjoy a warming bowl of goodness, here you will find a number of homemade soup recipes to comfort you on a chilly day.
Quick and easy recipes
Many of the healthy recipes take less than 35 minutes to cook. That means they’re quick and easy to prepare. And among them are vegetarian and vegan dishes, as well as many gluten-free versions, so if you are in a hurry and still want to eat healthy and tasty, you can simply look into this category and be inspired. Eating a plant-based diet is not only healthy, but it can also taste great too!