Ofengemüsesalat - Ein buntes Wintersalatrezept

Warm Roasted Vegetable Salad

This roasted vegetable salad is the perfect winter salad. It’s warm, hearty, and packed full of plant-based goodness. It’s made with a assortment of...
Apfel-Rosenkohlsalat mit Dijon Dressing

Brussels Sprout Apple Salad with Dijon Dressing

This Brussels sprout apple salad is a simple, light and delicious side dish. A combination of shaved Brussels sprouts, sweet-tart apple, green onion, toasted...

Green Bean Tomato Salad

This simple green bean tomato salad is one of my go-to summer side dish recipes. It’s quick and easy to make, is packed with...
Rote Bete Salat mit Fetakäse und Walnüssen Rezept

Beetroot Salad with Feta & Walnuts

A simple beetroot salad with feta, walnuts and dill. This salad has the perfect balance of earthy sweet, tangy, and salty flavors! Plus it’s...
Stangensellerie Salat mit Apfel & Roquefort

Celery Salad with Apple & Blue Cheese

Crunchy celery salad with apple is a light and refreshing salad made with crisp celery stalks, tart apple, pleasantly bitter endive, fennel, parsley, blue...
Salat mit Räucherlachs, Orange und Fenchel Rezept

Salad with Smoked Salmon, Orange & Fennel

This salad with smoked salmon is one favourite kinds of salads. It’s light, fresh tasting, and packed with flavor. It’s made with sweet orange,...
Thai-Salat mit Erdnussdressing

Chopped Thai Salad with Peanut Dressing

Addictively delicious Thai salad with the tastiest ever peanut sauce! I love this loaded up veggie salad! It’s made with fresh, crunchy vegetables (cabbage,...
Geröstete Rote Bete Salat mit Harissa Joghurt Dressing

Roasted Beetroot Salad with Harissa-Yoghurt

This beetroot salad with harissa dish is simple to make and incredibly tasty. I mean really tasty. Earthy beetroot loves flavour — big flavours!...
Karotten-Apfel-Salat mit Joghurt-Dressing

Carrot Apple Salad with Yoghurt Dressing

This carrot apple salad recipe is simple to make and delivers a fresh taste thanks to a creamy dressing made with yoghurt, crème fraîche,...
Radicchio-Fenchel-Salat mit Orangen & Birne Rezept

Radicchio and Fennel Salad with Citrus and Pear

Citrus is the star of this radicchio and fennel salad. Made with slices of juicy pink Cara Cara and navel oranges it’s bound to...
Gerösteter Ofenkürbis mit Ingwer, Miso & Tofu Rezept

Roasted Butternut Squash with Ginger, Miso & Tofu

Flavor-bomb is what you can call this roasted butternut squash recipe! Cubed butternut squash is roasted in the oven with fresh ginger, garlic and...
Geröstete Möhren mit Harissa, weißen Bohnen und Joghurt Sauce Rezept

Roasted Carrots with Harissa, Butter Beans and Yoghurt Sauce

These colourful roasted carrots with harissa make a simple and bold side dish that’s delicious enough to be enjoyed as a main. Colorful heirloom...
Warmer Spinatsalat mit gebratenen Pilzen

Warm Mushroom Spinach Salad

This simple warm mushroom spinach salad is a great salad recipe for anyone who loves spinach and mushrooms. This is a hearty salad that...
Frischer Dicke Bohnen Salat mit Rucola & Fenchel 

Fresh Fava Bean Salad with Arugula, Fennel and Radishes

This fresh fava bean salad is simple, basic and full of fresh flavors. Buttery, nutty fava beans are tossed with green onions, fennel, radishes,...
Gurkensalat mit Feta und Kichererbsen 

Cucumber Salad with Feta and Chickpeas

This cucumber salad with feta and chickpeas is so simple, refreshing and full of flavor. It’s loaded with chickpeas, cucumbers, red onion, feta cheese,...
Knuspriger asiatischer Ramen-Nudelsalat Rezept mit Kohl, Karotten, Mie Nudeln

Crunchy Ramen Noodle Salad

This crunchy ramen noodle salad recipe is quick and easy to make, tossed with a simple Asian-style vinaigrette, and perfect for picnics and BBQs,...
Panzanella mit Steak (Tomaten-Brotsalat)

Grilled Steak Panzanella Salad

This grilled steak panzanella salad recipe embodies the flavors of summer! It’s made with marinated grilled steak which is served over a salad made...
Gerösteter Blumenkohl und Kichererbsen mit Tahini Dressing Rezept

Roasted Cauliflower and Chickpeas with Tahini Dressing

Roasted Cauliflower and chickpeas makes for a delicious side dish or even light lunch. The cauliflower is roasted with cumin as well as nigella...

Winter Pasta Salad with Roasted Vegetables & Buttermilk Dressing

My favorite ever winter pasta salad is loaded up with vegetables, roasted to perfection. First there is roasted Tuscan kale — yes roasted! With...
Rotkohlsalat mit Mango, Koriander und Limette

Red Cabbage Mango Slaw

Red cabbage mango salad. It doesn’t get easier than this. Red cabbage, mango, lime zest and juice, fresh cilantro — plus a drizzle of...