Klare Pilzsuppe

Mushroom Potato Soup

This healthy mushroom potato soup is rich in taste thanks to dried porcini mushrooms, fresh cremini mushrooms and potatoes. Although, this broth-based soup is...
Gerösteter Ofenkürbis mit Ingwer, Miso & Tofu Rezept

Roasted Butternut Squash with Ginger, Miso & Tofu

Flavor-bomb is what you can call this roasted butternut squash recipe! Cubed butternut squash is roasted in the oven with fresh ginger, garlic and...
Corn Chowder (Amerikanische Maissuppe)

Corn Chowder (Vegetarian)

With sweet cobs of corn still available at the farmers market and less than optimal late summer weather, I simply couldn’t resist moving on...
Blumenkohl-Nudelsalat mit Kichererbsen

Roasted Cauliflower Pasta Salad with Chickpeas

This cauliflower pasta salad is full of bright, fresh flavours. Roasted cauliflower is tossed together with pasta, crispy capers, chickpeas and arugula in a...
Rote Bete-Linsensalat mit Dijon-Balsamico-Vinaigrette Rezept mit Speck, Walnuss, Shalloten, Petersillie, Granatapfel

Roasted Beet and Lentil Salad with Dijon-Balsamic Vinaigrette

Roasted beet and lentil salad. Welcome to another favourite this season. A salad made with earthy roasted beets, sautéed shallots, beluga lentils, parsley, walnuts...

Winter Pasta Salad with Roasted Vegetables & Buttermilk Dressing

My favorite ever winter pasta salad is loaded up with vegetables, roasted to perfection. First there is roasted Tuscan kale — yes roasted! With...
Omas Birnen-Tarte

Oma’s Pear Tart

Creamy, custardy pear tart. A simple pear cake recipe, just like Oma would make. This pear tart uses fresh pears and a few pantry...
Gebackener Wirsing mit Walnuss-Parmesan-Krümel

Roasted Savoy Cabbage with Walnut-Parmensan-Crumbs

This recipe for roasted savoy cabbage shows you that you can easily bring a simple vegetable side dish to a whole new level. I...
Rotkohlsalat mit Mango, Koriander und Limette

Red Cabbage Mango Slaw

Red cabbage mango salad. It doesn’t get easier than this. Red cabbage, mango, lime zest and juice, fresh cilantro — plus a drizzle of...
Rosenkohl Salat mit Süßkartoffeln & Kichererbsen

Brussels Sprout Salad with Sweet Potatoes & Chickpeas

If you love caesar salad, then you are bound to love this Brussels sprouts salad recipe. It’s not a classic raw Brussels sprouts salad...
Apfel-Crumble mit Cranberries

Apple Crumble with Cranberries

What a combination! This apple crumble is made with juicy pieces apples and tart cranberries surrounded by a deliciously crisp crumble made with oats...
Cremige Kürbis Pasta (vegan) mit Butternut-Kürbis

Creamy Butternut Squash Pasta (vegan)

If you are looking for a butternut squash pasta that’s dairy-free and still packed with flavor — then you are in the right place!...
Rotkohlsalat mit Birne und Cranberries

Red Cabbage Slaw with Pears and Cranberries

This vibrant red cabbage slaw with pears and cranberries is packed with all kinds of flavor. Thinly sliced cabbage is tossed together with beetroot,...
Kürbiseintopf mit Kichererbsen

Butternut Squash Stew with Chickpeas

This butternut squash stew with chickpeas recipe is simple to make and packed with warm and smoky flavors. It has a slight tex-mex chili...
Herbstsalat mit Schwarzkohl, Kartoffeln und Sonnenblumenbutter-Dressing

Fall Salad with Tuscan Kale and Parmesan-Roasted Potatoes

This fall salad is the new salad of my dreams. First of all it’s made with my favourite type of kale — Tuscan lacinato...
Kartoffel-Pastete mit Lauch und Gruyere-Käse

Potato Pie with Leeks & Gruyere

Leek and potato pie, the perfect winter comfort food dish for the whole family. All golden and flaky on the outside and layered with...
Salat mit Schwarzkohl, Kürbis, Ziegenkäse und karamellisierten Walnüssen

Roasted Pumpkin and Tuscan Kale Salad with Goat Cheese and Candied...

This Hokkaido pumpkin and Tuscan kale salad is a delicious combination of textures and flavours — sweet, tart, crunchy and creamy. Pumpkin and kale...
Apfel Streuselkuchen Rezept

Apple Crumb Cake

A real classic: a delicious apple crumb cake with tender juicy apples and a brown sugar, oatmeal crumb topping. This apple cake is packed...
Beluga Linsen Salat mit grünen Bohnen & Zitrone-Minz-Dressing und ParmaschinkenRezept

Beluga Lentil Salad with Green Beans & Lemon-Mint Dressing

This beluga lentil salad is beyond delicious. It features black beluga lentils, which is my favorite lentils for salads. Their earthy flavour is perfectly...
Erbsensuppe - Aromatisch gewürzt mit Curry

Curried Split Pea Soup

Split pea soup. Comforting, filling, and full of plant-based goodness. Yes, there’s nothing quite like a comforting bowl of soup. This vegetarian (actually vegan)...