Ratatouille Rezept - Französischer Gemüseeintopf

Ratatouille Recipe – Provençal Vegetable Stew

Ah, ratatouille! This quintessential French dish from the sun-drenched fields of Provence has charmed food lovers with its vibrant colours and earthy flavours. Traditionally...
Mediterrane Gemüsepfanne Rezept

Simple Sautéed Vegetables

Simple sautéed vegetables -- this vibrant vegetarian skillet dish comes together in just 30 minutes, making it perfect for busy evenings. Infused with Mediterranean...
Mediterraner Couscous Salat Rezept

Mediterranean Couscous Salad

Mediterranean Couscous Salad—an irresistible dish that brings together vibrant, fresh ingredients in a symphony of Mediterranean flavours! Featuring a base of couscous (think whole...
Grüner Spargelsalat Rezept mit Erdbeeren und Croutons

Asparagus Salad with Strawberries and Croutons

Today, I’m thrilled to bring you an Asparagus Salad recipe that epitomises the beauty of simplicity and the joy of seasonal eating. This vibrant dish combines...
Erdbeerkuchen Rezept - Schnell & Einfach

Strawberry Cake – Quick and Easy Recipe

This Strawberry Cake recipe is perfect if you're looking for a quick and easy dessert that's sure to impress! Combining the wholesome goodness of...
Steak Salat mit Tomaten und Weißen Bohnen

Easy Steak Salad with Tomatoes and White Beans 

Summer Steak Salad, your new go-to for an effortless and delicious dinner option. This vibrant dish features perfectly grilled rump steaks, ripe vine tomatoes,...
Pilz-Tabouleh Rezept mit-Granatapfel

Tabouleh with Pomegranate and Oyster Mushrooms

Tabouleh with Pomegranate and Oyster Mushrooms is not just a salad; it's a vibrant escapade into the heart of Middle Eastern cuisine with a...
Kartoffelsalat mit Erbsen Rezept

Lemony Potato Salad with Peas

Lemony Potato Salad with Peas! Bursting with the freshness of spring peas and fragrant mint, this spring-inspired salad is hearty, flavourful and a true...
Kichererbsensalat mit Tomaten, frischer Kräuter und Ingwer-Vinaigrette

Easy Chickpea Salad with Tomatoes, Herbs and Ginger Vinaigrette

Easy Chickpea Salad with Tomatoes and Herbs -- a quick and easy salad with a refreshing and nutritious twist. Bursting with vibrant colours and...
Bohnensalat mit Kräutern

Easy White Bean Salad with Herbs

This Easy White Bean Salad with Herbs is a celebration of simplicity and taste. It's about bringing together basic ingredients in a way that...
Zutaten für Gelbe Bete und Apfel Salat

Golden Beet Salad with Apple, Cranberries & Spiced Seeds

This vibrant golden beet salad is packed with fantastic array of flavours and textures. Chili-Soy glazed sunflower and pumpkin seeds, plus dried cranberries add...
Mexikanische gefüllte Süßkartoffeln (vegan)

Mexican-Style Stuffed Sweet Potatoes (vegan)

Delicious, fast and easy stuffed sweet potatoes with fresh and healthy ingredients such as black beans, tomatoes, corn, avocado, red onion, lime juice and...
Streuselkuchen mit Zwetschgen rezept

Crumble Cake with Plums

This delicious plum crumble cake is the perfect coffee to celebrate late summer plums. It’s lightly sweet, with an almond-rich base with a hint...
Kräuter-Kartoffelsalat mit grünen Bohnen (ohne Mayo)

Herb Potato Salad with Green Beans

This herb potato salad is packed with fresh flavours thanks to a Dijon dressing that is loaded with fresh herbs. That’s right, no mayo!...
Mediterraner Nudelsalat Rezept

Mediterranean Pasta Salad

This Mediterranean Pasta Salad recipe is light and fresh, it’s loaded with summer’s favourite produce, olives, capers, and creamy feta cheese. Tossed in a...
Italienischer Brotsalat (Panzanella) Rezept mit Pfirsich

Peach Panzenella Salad

This Italian Peach Panzanella Bread Salad recipe is the ultimate summer salad. Unlike the original Tuscan recipe, which involves soaking stale bread, this version...
Bunter Bohnensalat mit Estragon-Dressing

Three Bean Salad with Tarragon Dressing

This quick and easy Three Bean Salad is a combination of several different kinds of beans (green, yellow and white), plus a pop of...
Kartoffelsalat mit Meerrettich

Creamy Horseradish Potato Salad

This creamy horseradish potato salad is so full of flavour that it’s bound to become a summer favourite! I dare say that even naysayers...
Omelett mit Pilzen (Pfifferlinge, Tomaten, Ziegenkäse)

Mushroom Omelette with Tomato & Goat’s Cheese

Elevate your breakfast game with this chanterelle mushroom omelette with tomato and goat's cheese. This quick and easy omelette recipe is a delicious way...
Quinoa Salat asiatische Art

Asian-Style Quinoa Salad

This healthy Asian-Style Quinoa Salad is packed with texture and flavour. Quinoa is tossed with fava beans (also known as broad beans), a mix...