Grüne Gemüse-Quiche mit Feta

Quiche with Greens & Feta

A delicious, fuss-free quiche with greens (either beet greens, Swiss chard, kale or spinach) and cheese (feta and cottage cheese). This easy to make...
Asiatischer Glasnudelsalat (vegan)

Asian Glass Noodle Salad (vegan)

Asian Glass Noodle Salad — quick, easy and delicious! This vermicelli noodle salad is made with fresh veggies (Chinese cabbage, snow peas, carrots, and...
Salat mit Weintrauben & Roquefort-Dressing Rezept

Salad with Grapes, Walnuts & Blue Cheese Dressing

This Salad with Grapes, Walnuts & Blue Cheese Dressing is a new favourite. It’s made with simple ingredients and is packed with flavour thanks...
Rote Bete Salat mit Fetakäse und Walnüssen Rezept

Beetroot Salad with Feta & Walnuts

A simple beetroot salad with feta, walnuts and dill. This salad has the perfect balance of earthy sweet, tangy, and salty flavors! Plus it’s...
Italienischer Bohnensalat mit Tomaten Rezept

Italian White Bean Salad with Tomatoes

This Italian white bean salad is made with simple, whole ingredients and topped with an umami-rich homemade anchovy-mustard vinaigrette. Serve it with crusty bread...
Johannisbeerkuchen mit Joghurt und Zitrone Rezept

Red Currant Cake

This red currant cake is a delicious way to make use of ruby red sour-tart berries. This lightly sweet, super moist, coffee cake is...
Linsensalat mit Erdbeeren & Spargel

Strawberry Lentil Salad with Asparagus

This strawberry lentil salad highlights with the best of the season - early summer berries. This delicious and vibrant summer salad is made with...
Salat mit Räucherlachs, Orange und Fenchel Rezept

Salad with Smoked Salmon, Orange & Fennel

This salad with smoked salmon is one favourite kinds of salads. It’s light, fresh tasting, and packed with flavor. It’s made with sweet orange,...
Spargel-Kartoffelsalat mit Erbsen & Kräuter

Asparagus Potato Salad with Peas and Herbs

With spring’s arrival also comes a very refreshingly new potato salad recipe. One with spring ingredients like green asparagus, peas, radishes and a herb-loaded...
Rhabarberkuchen mit Mandeln und Buttermilch

Rhubarb Cake with Almonds & Buttermilk

I absolutely adore this Rhubarb Cake. It’s deliciously moist, simple to make and sweet without being overly sweet, thanks to the balance of tart...
Bärlauch-Scones mit Cheddar

Wild Garlic and Cheddar Scones

Wild garlic and cheddar scones are the perfect way to enjoy springs abundance of wild garlic. Scones are one of my favourite comfort food...
Thai-Salat mit Erdnussdressing

Chopped Thai Salad with Peanut Dressing

Addictively delicious Thai salad with the tastiest ever peanut sauce! I love this loaded up veggie salad! It’s made with fresh, crunchy vegetables (cabbage,...
Gemüsesuppe mit weißen Bohnen

Easy Vegetable Soup

This easy vegetable soup recipe is highly adaptable and a great way to use up any vegetables you have on hand. My version is...
Geröstete Rote Bete Salat mit Harissa Joghurt Dressing

Roasted Beetroot Salad with Harissa-Yoghurt

This beetroot salad with harissa dish is simple to make and incredibly tasty. I mean really tasty. Earthy beetroot loves flavour — big flavours!...
Gemüse-Pie (Vegetarischer Pot-Pie) Rezept

Creamy Vegetable Pot Pie

This creamy vegetable pot pie recipe is the ultimate veggie-packed comfort food. It’s loaded with vegetables including mushrooms, peas, broccoli, and carrots and is...
Einfacher Schwarzkohl-Salat

Simple Lacinato Kale Salad

This simple lacinato kale salad, made with Tuscan kale, salty Parmesan cheese, lemon juice and toasted garlic panko breadcrumbs is a deliciously easy to...
Radicchio-Fenchel-Salat mit Orangen & Birne Rezept

Radicchio and Fennel Salad with Citrus and Pear

Citrus is the star of this radicchio and fennel salad. Made with slices of juicy pink Cara Cara and navel oranges it’s bound to...
Grünkohl-Salat mit Rosenkohl & Knuspriger Parmaschinken

Shaved Brussels Sprout Kale Salad

Here’s a Brussels sprout kale salad bursting with flavor! All I can say is this combination of “love-em-or-hate-em Brussels sprouts” and “nothing-says-healthy-quite-like-kale” is a...
Blumenkohl-Steaks mit Tahini-Sauce und Kapern-Salsa

Cauliflower Steaks with Tahini & Caper-Herb Salsa

Cauliflower steaks make an impressive side dish — one that is highly versatile. Cauliflower is simply cut into “steaks”, brushed with olive oil and...
Veganer Shepherd's Pie

Vegan Shepherd’s Pie

A Vegan Shepherd's Pie with a crispy potato topping is my favourite way to prepare a plant-based version of classic Shepherd’s Pie (Cottage Pie)....