Here are my best gluten free recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and everything in between! Recipes focused on whole, natural foods, that are flavourful and satisfying. Including lots of vegetarian and vegan options.
This Vegetarian Thai Red Curry is everything you need for a comforting, flavor-packed meal. It's loaded with vibrant veggies like sweet potatoes, carrots, bell...
This Greek Chicken Skillet is a vibrant, one-pan meal packed with bold Mediterranean flavours. Juicy, marinated chicken breasts are seared to perfection, then simmered in a...
This roasted vegetables and chickpeas recipe is a weeknight dinner hero! Featuring sweet potatoes, carrots, and parsnips roasted until tender and paired with crispy...
Bircher Muesli is everything you want in a make-ahead breakfast—creamy, hearty, and endlessly customisable. With just 5 minutes of prep, this Swiss classic combines...
This incredibly flavourful Chili con Carne recipe brings together tender chunks of stewed beef, rich tomatoes, smoky bacon, kidney beans, and warming spices. Thanks...
This Curry Roasted Cauliflower Salad is everything you crave in a veggie dish—easy to make, vibrant, and bursting with flavour. Tender roasted cauliflower, caramelised onions, sweet-tart...
Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Tomatoes, Feta, and White Beans is the fresh, flavour-packed side or veggie main you’ve been looking for! This light, vibrant dish...
This German-style potato and bacon skillet is a hearty, comforting dish that comes together quickly with just a handful of ingredients. Crisp golden potatoes,...
This Beluga Lentil Salad with Pear, Roquefort, and Crispy Bacon is a delightful balance of savoury, sweet, and crunchy! It's an easy-to-make, elegant salad that’s ready...
Traditional Jägerschnitzel, or "hunter’s cutlets," is the kind of cozy, hearty dish you crave when you want something comforting but still a little fancy....
Today, I’m excited to share a recipe that’s perfect for any occasion: a No-Bake Cheesecake with Berries. While it’s called a no-bake cheesecake, the...
Looking for a quick yet impressive dinner idea? Look no further! Steak Pizzaiola is an irresistibly delicious and flavourful meal that will have everyone...
Ah, ratatouille! This quintessential French dish from the sun-drenched fields of Provence has charmed food lovers with its vibrant colours and earthy flavours. Traditionally...
Summer Steak Salad, your new go-to for an effortless and delicious dinner option. This vibrant dish features perfectly grilled rump steaks, ripe vine tomatoes,...
Why is gluten even used? Due to its great binding properties, the wheat adhesive gluten is not only used for the production of bread and baked goods, but is also used in many other foods, including many processed foods.. Which means it is important to use natural unprocessed foods over processed foods as much as possible. Lots of
Anyone who suffers from gluten intolerance or celiac disease must look for alternatives to many grains and cereals when preparing pasta, pizza bases, cakes and bread. These include rice flour, coconut flour, quinoa flour, corn flour, amaranth flour, buckwheat flour, chickpea flour, almond flour and co. On Elle Republic you will find great gluten-free recipes that can inspire you to cook dishes that exclude wheat and other gluten products. Looking for baking inspiration? Be sure to check out my gluten-free baking archive.
Healthy and tasty gluten-free recipes for everyday
A gluten-free diet is not as difficult to implement as many think. It’s even super simple, colourful and diverse! It’s best to just try it out. Then you are sure to be convinced of how delicious gluten-free recipes without products made using with wheat, spelt, rye, barley can be! Gluten-free grain choices include rice and risotto, quinoa, corn and polenta, millet, and buckwheat. You can even find couscous, bulgur and pasta made with gluten-free grains (and pseudo-grains) as well as legumes, such as lentils and chickpeas. If you are fan of TexMex or Mexican foods, you can enjoy hard or soft corn tortillas to enjoy tacos, enchiladas and more.