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Healthy LifeStyle

Maca Magic – A Superfood to Embrace

Maca Magic – A Superfood to Embrace

If you haven’t already been introduced to raw maca root powder, you may want to get acquainted. For centuries, maca has been referred to as...

Asparagus (Purple, White & Green)

Asparagus has a wonderfully subtle flavor that works well with almost anything—in summer salads or as a perfect side dish for pretty much any...
Green Energy Smoothie

Green Energy Smoothie

Easy to make and full of powerful nutrients, smoothies are a great way to a give your body a super-charged start to the day. No...
Ginger – Simply Good For You

Ginger – Simply Good For You

Not only is ginger a versatile spice in the culinary world, it’s also one of the oldest and oh so popular natural remedies around. One...
Healthy Summer Green Smoothies 3-Ways

Healthy Summer Green Smoothies 3-Ways

Knocking back a concoction of powerful nutrients in one drink is a great way to give your body a super-charged start to the day....
Tarragon - Benefits & Uses

Tarragon – Benefits & Uses

Although tarragon is originally native to Siberia and western Asia, it is one of the classic herbs found in a French kitchen. The name itself,...
Superfood Quinoa

Spotlight: Superfood Quinoa (Health Benefits, Cooking Tips & More)

For those of you who aren’t already familiar with the superfood quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah), get ready to have your mind blown. Originating from the South...
Chia Seeds – The Super Seed

Chia Seeds – The Super Seed

Chia is an edible seed, belonging to the same family as mint, oregano and thyme, and comes from the desert plant Salvia Hispanica which...

Getting To Know: Ground Sumac Spice

Sumac has long been used as a seasoning in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine (most notably as a key ingredients in za'atar) and there’s...
Goji Berries – Super Fruit of the World

Goji Berries – Super Fruit of the World

Chinese wolf berries, known in the modern western world as goji berries, are super fruits of the world. Native to southeastern Europe and Asia...
To Chill or Not to Chill? Storing Fruits and Vegetables

To Chill or Not to Chill? Storing Fruits and Vegetables

I shop regularly, actually daily, but it’s sticky hot this summer in Hamburg and so I’m finding it hard to keep things like tomatoes...
Seasonal Spotlight: Chive Buds & Blossoms

Seasonal Spotlight: Chive Buds & Blossoms

Chives with their beautiful purple buds are one of the prettiest things I’ve stumbled across at the farmers' market lately. And guess what? The...
Ultimate Liver Flush Detox Drink

Ultimate Liver Flush Detox Drink

There are all sorts of things that can leave us feeling in need of a recharge, especially this time of year after weeks of...
Vegan, Vegetarian, Flexitarian, Pescatarian, and Pollotarian Explained

Vegan, Vegetarian, Flexitarian, Pescatarian, and Pollotarian Explained

I recently discovered that there is actually a term for people who follow a vegetarian diet 90% of the time (give or take) –...

Sage – The Holy Herb

In Greek mythology, sage was believed to be a powerful protector and healing agent that was sacred to the gods. It was also commonly believed...
Kochen mit Gusseisen - Tipps zur Pflege von Kochgeschirr aus Gusseisen

Cooking with Cast Iron — Caring, Cleaning & Seasoning

Almost every one knows of someone who has cast iron cookware that has been passed on with the generations. This is because a good...

Little Fish: Sardines vs Anchovies

Ever wonder what the difference between a sardine and an anchovy is? Although many people think that sardine is just another name for anchovy,...
Bratkartoffeln aus gekochten Kartoffeln

How to Cook Potatoes | Tips, Tricks & Easy Fried Potatoes

With over 200 varieties in the USA and Germany, potatoes are the third most important food crop in the world after rice and wheat. Which means,...
Green Smoothies

Green Smoothies & Spring Cleaning Your Body

With spring around the corner, our bodies naturally start to cleanse themselves by releasing toxins and cleaning the body from excess oils, fats, salt,...
3 Detox Smoothie Rezepte

3 Healthy Smoothies for your Post-Holiday Reboot

I’m guessing right about now I’m not the only one having some serious holiday excess regret. I only say that because that’s usually where...