Delicious, quick, and easy lunch and dinner recipes that are tasty but super-fast and simple to make. Here you will find many simple but tasty dishes for vegetarians and vegans and lots of seasonal recipe ideas that can be prepared quickly!
Summer was made for salads like this. Mediterranean salads such as this simple vegetarian orzo salad packed with light and fresh summery flavors. Sweet...
Chickpea tomato salad. Simply in love with it. Fresh summer tomatoes, crisp cumin-coated chickpeas, sweet red onion, and parsley, tossed with just the right...
Inspired from a supermarket-bought takeaway salad in Amsterdam, this is a deliciously light main meal salad with edamame that's full of tasty Oriental flavors,...
Light and highly flavored, consider this avocado and prawn salad a guilt-free indulgence!
Avocado and Prawn Salad -- a fantastic summer salad
This south-of-the-border inspired salad...
Massflavors -- roasted sesame oil, Japanese rice vinegar, soy sauce, ginger and a couple other delicious flavorings. Really, what's not to love?
Actually, this should...
Introducing a candy striped heirloom beet carpaccio. Mainly found at farmers’ markets, the whimsical Chioggia beet (pronounced kee-OH-gee-uh) with its mild flavor and natural...
The perfect, portable, all-natural breakfast cookies for people on-the-go. Packed with three superfoods (goji berries, quinoa and almonds) this soft breakfast cookie is full of lots of good-for-you ingredients.
The secret to a good traditional hummus is really no secret. The ingredients are simple: chickpeas, tahini, garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, and salt....
Quick and easy recipes for effortlessly delicious meals in 30-35 minutes (or less!)
Most of these recipes can be prepared in less than 30 minutes. Even the ones esimated to take 35 minutes (I estimate extra time for chopping since some of us are quicker than others). All of the these quick recipes are made with fresh ingredients, and prepared by scratch. That means there are no shortcuts using a microwave and no frozen pizza involved. So whether you are stretched for time, or the weather is too nice to spend time in the kitchen, here you will find lots of recipes that are tasty and healthy and even ones that will satisfy the whole family.
Fresh ingredients are the key to simple and tasty meals
The secret to a simple and tasty meal is fresh, high-quality ingredients. If you shop right, then you can easily conjure up many delicious dishes in a short amount of time. Which is why I love my weekly farmers market. That’s Elle Republic’s claim. It’s possible to eat delicious and healthy food without spending a lot of time in the kitchen. So let yourself be inspired and get started. Whether salads, stews, soups or curries. The choice is vast. I have put together recipes for you from many different countries around the world and interpreted new ones. There’s nothing wrong with combining Asian and Mediterranean food. Or Germany meets Jamaica. Everything is possible as long as it tastes good and, in this case, is done quickly. You’ll also find quick and easy recipe ideas for breakfast and snacks. Have fun with these simple, healthy and tasty ideas!