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Tag: Mushrooms

Pizza Grillen mit dem LeMax Elektrogrill

Grilled Pizza on the LeMax Grill

If you're craving brick-oven crispy pizza crust, you can get the same results right a home with grilled pizza. And this pizza is everything!...
Blätterteigtaschen mit Pilzen und Wirsing

Puff Pastry Hand Pies with Mushrooms & Savoy Cabbage

These puff pastry hand pies are the new star of my cabbage kick phase. And I am happy to say, this is pretty darn...
Vegetable Pot Pie with Sweet Potato & Lentils

Vegetable Pot Pie with Sweet Potato & Lentils

This savoury vegetable pot pie is the ultimate in vegetarian comfort food. This delicious veggie packed lentil pot pie uses root vegetables as the...

Chestnut Soup

Creamy chestnut soup: the perfect soup for the festive Christmas season. Decadent but simple, it definitely tastes like a special occasion soup. Chestnuts are...
Wild Rice Salad with Mushrooms and Herbs

Wild Rice Salad with Mushrooms and Herbs

Rice Salad with Mushrooms and Herbs. Sounds pretty straight forward, right? Well this rice salad is a little different. It has what I can...
Tagliatelle Pasta with Mushrooms and Thyme Sauce

Tagliatelle Pasta with Mushrooms and Thyme Sauce

This is a spectacular way to showcase tasty cremini mushrooms – in a simple and delicious pasta with mushrooms and thyme sauce! This recipe...
Shiitake Mushroom Blue Cheese Risotto

Shiitake Mushroom Blue Cheese Risotto

This shiitake mushroom risotto with blue cheese and spinach is Italian comfort food at its ABSOLUTE best! It's got fresh shiitake mushrooms sautéed until...
Autumn Chicken and Mushroom Stew

Autumn Chicken and Mushroom Stew

I don’t often share traditional, "homey" type meals like this chicken and mushroom stew, but sometimes, I just feel the need to make a...
Mushroom Barley Risotto with Asparagus

Mushroom Barley Risotto with Asparagus

Barley fans! If you haven’t already tried making risotto with pearl barley you should definitely give it a go. It’s of course a little...

Smoked Tofu Stir-Fry with Asparagus

Stir-fry is one of those things I grew up on. Okay, maybe not a smoked tofu stir-fry loaded up with spring vegetables and tasty...

German Potato Dumplings (Knödel) with Mushroom Gravy

Potato Dumplings. Sometimes a simple, traditional meal can make others so incredibly happy. A.k.a zee German, my liebling Schwabe. First of all it's not...
Puy Lentils with Mushrooms and Kale

Puy Lentils with Mushrooms and Kale

So which camp are you in? Love 'em or leave 'em? Well, I love mushrooms. Just like in this Puy lentils with mushrooms and...

Asian Chicken Noodle Soup

Ridiculously delicious. That’s what this Asian chicken noodle soup is. Not only is it the best thing ever for fighting off a summer cold,...
Mie-Nudel-Suppe mit Chinakohl und Shiitake

Chinese Cabbage Shiitake Noodle Bowl

Here my friend's is a shiitake noodle bowl. It's sort of a half soup, half noodle bowl. More noodle, than soup. One made with...
Wild Rice with Oyster Mushrooms and Swiss Chard

Wild Rice with Oyster Mushrooms and Swiss Chard

Here’s a wild rice with oyster mushrooms dish that won’t bore you to death. One inspired from a trip with friends to Istanbul where...
Porcini Mushroom Risotto with Sage

Porcini Mushroom Risotto with Sage

What can be more satisfying than a bowl of homemade porcini mushroom risotto? Sadly something I think we enjoy far to seldom. All that...
Vol-au-vent (Königin-Pasteten) with a Creamy Veal and Mushroom Ragout

Vol-au-vent (Königin-Pasteten) with a Creamy Veal and Mushroom Ragout

As a main meal or finger food, it’s representative of a traditional German or French dish made for special occasions or to celebrate a...
Pasta mit Spinat, Pilzen und frischen Kräutern in Gorgonzola-Soße

Pasta in a Gorgonzola Sauce with Spinach, Mushrooms and Fresh Herbs

This dish is inspired by a pizza that ABSOLUTELY love and used to quite often make for myself. I remember this phase well. I...
Pasta mit Artischocken und wilden Pilzen

Pasta with Artichokes and Wild Mushrooms

One of the things I love about fall is the assortment of wild mushrooms available at the farmers market. I absolutely love mushrooms---they are...
Miso-Soup with Beef and Shiitake Mushrooms

Miso-Soup with Beef and Shiitake Mushrooms

Cold season has approached and I am in serious need of hearty, warming foods. With all the veggies in this miso soup, it’s a...