Traditional Wiener Schnitzel (Viennese Veal Cutlet)

Traditional Wiener Schnitzel (Viennese Veal Cutlet)

The true origin of Wiener schnitzel may very well not be Vienna but the Viennese are indeed proud to say that it belongs to...

Chicken Mango Red Thai Curry

Oh how I love sweet happy mangos! Yes, with all their B vitamins, they help boost the production of serotonin, a natural mood elevator....
Miso-Soup with Beef and Shiitake Mushrooms

Miso-Soup with Beef and Shiitake Mushrooms

Cold season has approached and I am in serious need of hearty, warming foods. With all the veggies in this miso soup, it’s a...
Spicy Mongolian Beef and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-Fry

Spicy Mongolian Beef and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-Fry

Craving something spicy and slightly sweet? Despite what the name suggests, Mongolian beef doesn’t actually trace its roots back to Mongolian cuisine. Neither the...
Lemon Chicken with Fennel and Artichokes

Lemon Chicken with Fennel and Artichokes

This is a wonderfully simple dish, filled with an amazing array of bright and briny flavors that create something so simple and wow so...
Pasta mit Lamm-Merguez und Steinpilzen

Pasta with Lamb Merguez and Porcini Mushrooms

Pasta with Lamb Merguez. Sometimes you just crave something comforting. Comforting as I know it, usually means pasta. With 30 minutes, there is plenty...
Tagliatelle mit Lamm in grüner Pfeffersoße

Tagliatelle with Lamb in a Green Peppercorn Sauce

Summer may be here but I’m not ready to give up some of that good ol’ comfort food. I may love my salads above...

Wurstsalat – German Sausage Salad

My favorite Schwaber was traveling in South Germany this week, and so upon returning I thought I would surprise him by keeping that South...
Homemade Chicken Broth

Homemade Chicken Broth

This is an easy and flavorful homemade chicken stock that’s perfect for any recipe calling for chicken stock or chicken broth. Fresh chicken broth is...
Chicken with Dried Figs

Braised Chicken with Dried Figs, Honey and Lemon

I have always been a fan of fresh figs and this summer stumbled across dried ones at my favorite local Turkish shop. I tried...