Saffron-Salsify Risotto
Bored with the same old winter vegetables? Well, let me introduce you to a very memorable winter risotto, which for me, is made with a new vegetable. A saffron-salsify risotto. Salsify what? Yeah, I too was also among those people who didn't know what salsify is, let alone what to do with it! I had never ever seen it in Canada. But due to it's "popularity" (okay, popular is...
Roasted Chickpea and Sweet Potato Salad
I think you all are going to L O V E this roasted chickpea and sweet potato salad. It all starts with crisped cumin-spiced chickpeas and tender roasted sweet potatoes coated in spices and sesame seeds -- all baked to perfection, with a flavor and texture that makes your mouth sing... oh yeah.
These two are then tossed in a chili-coriander-cumin dressing and paired up with fresh parsley and sweet...
Orange-Beet Porridge
It's pink. Girly I know. Yes, this is a rare occasion that I allow something P I N K into my life. Say hello to pink porridge. An orange-beet porridge.
I've had an obsession with porridge most of my adult life. Childhood was another story. Back then it was simple basic porridge... porridge with a nondescript color and taste. And those childhood memories of being told by my mother to...
Moroccan-Style Quinoa Salad
Spices are used extensively in Moroccan food, meaning most Moroccan dishes call for a whole cupboard full of spices, which is why the list is long for the salad dressing. Count 'em. There's 7 different spices. Though, just imagine, the celebrated Moroccan spice mixture ras el hanout is made up of 27 spices! So comparatively, this Moroccan-Style Quinoa Salad recipe would be be considered rather uncomplicated. And I think...
Mediterranean Grünkern and Chickpea Salad
This Mediterranean grünkern and chickpea salad is an excellent example of why old world grains are making a come back. If you haven't tried grünkern yet, you are missing out on what I would call a spectacular grain. When I first starting putting barley in salads, I thought WOW. Then I tried Grünkern, a grain I had never heard of before... L O V E it. Why was it...
One Pot Vegan Pasta in a Creamy Tomato Sauce
One Pot Vegan Pasta in a Creamy Tomato Sauce. Oh yeah. Here's to a pasta dish that is creamy, low-fat and vegan all at once. There's no dairy, no cashews, that's no butter (or butter substitute) to speak of. It's a simple one pot pasta dish made with fresh tomatoes (yes, I know it's winter -- so go ahead and use canned tomatoes if you like), and a whole...