One Pot Vegan Pasta in a Creamy Tomato Sauce

One Pot Vegan Pasta in a Creamy Tomato Sauce. Oh yeah. Here's to a pasta dish that is creamy, low-fat and vegan all at once. There's no dairy, no cashews, that's no butter (or butter substitute) to speak of. It's a simple one pot pasta dish made with fresh tomatoes (yes, I know it's winter -- so go ahead and use canned tomatoes if you like), and a whole...

Turmeric Ginger Lentil Soup

One pot often translates to soup, soup, soup. So of course, with my don't-have-a-kitchen-yet dilemna, I turn to soup as a Sunday afternoon solution. A warming and nutrient-rich turmeric ginger lentil soup. It's a simple soup with a solid base: onions, carrots, garlic, lentils, tomatoes, spices, and broth -- oh yeah lets not forget about those awesome winter greens. Kale. You could of course, pep things up even more...

Lentil Quinoa Eggplant Salad

Listen up aubergine-adverse. Here’s an eggplant recipe that fully disguises my favorite purple vegetable. A warm lentil quinoa eggplant salad. The secret is always in the sauce. The trick... peeled eggplant that is slow cooked in a tomato-y sauce with a little chili and cayenne until tender. Okay, of course I could recognise that there is eggplant in this dish, but my favourite Schwabe hat to ask me what...
Super C Smoothie mit Kaki und Zitrusfrüchten. Ein gesunder Drink voller Vitamin C und Antioxidantien. Das liefern Zutaten wie Grapefruit, Blutorange, Zitrone, Granatapfel, Kaki und Kurkuma. Der Smoothie schmeckt süß und erfrischt auf der Stelle. Ich empfehle ihn auch vor dem Sport und als Detox-Drink.

Citrus Kaki Turmeric Smoothie with Pomegranate

DThe holidays are over, it's time to give your body a healthy jump-start with a vitamin-rich citrus kaki turmeric smoothie! This isn't your regular kind of fruit smoothie -- it boasts more than just a vitamin C kick. Most of all, it contains the superfood power of turmeric. Turmeric, with its distinctive flavor and warm yellow-orange color packs a considerable medicinal punch. And if that's not enough, then there are...
Puy Lentils with Mushrooms and Kale

Puy Lentils with Mushrooms and Kale

So which camp are you in? Love 'em or leave 'em? Well, I love mushrooms. Just like in this Puy lentils with mushrooms and kale dish. There are two sorts here. Dried porcini mushrooms that seem to elevate any mushroom dish and a standard favorite, brown button mushrooms (also known as cremini mushrooms). I think I first fell in love with mushrooms back in my 20's when I first...
Buckwheat Tahini Pancakes

Buckwheat Tahini Pancakes

Protein-rich buckwheat tahini pancakes = my new Sunday breakfast of choice. Love them. Most of us enjoy pancakes, and you may know by now that I LOVE pancakes. As do all Canadians! It’s our favorite way to use maple syrup! ;-) And listen to this -- they have no refined sugar. Cause they've got some mashed up banana for a little extra sweetness. Then there is the tahini... not...