Getting To Know: Ground Sumac Spice

Sumac has long been used as a seasoning in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine (most notably as a key ingredients in za'atar) and there’s good reason that it’s gaining increased popularity and is becoming a welcome addition to any spice cupboard. Just a sprinkle of this Middle Eastern spice instantly improves any dish, making it a delicious and versatile all-you-really-need-just-one-spice that every kitchen and cook should have on hand. With its...
Sage Scones with Berries

Sage Scones with Berries

When I was 18, I spent and summer in Scotland working on a little island called Colonsay. That is where I first discovered and fell in love with scones. And also put on 10 lbs in the span of one summer! Yes, I discovered more than just scones that year. Things like hearty meat pies! I've always been one to enjoy food...and thankfully sport. Which has managed to keep...
Tomato Barley Salad with Herbs, Yogurt & Lemon

Tomato Barley Salad with Herbs, Yogurt & Lemon

Barley isn’t new to me. I love barley! I’ve been eating oatmeal made from barley flakes for years. It’s one of my all-time favorite cooked breakfasts. And barley in soups and stews? – definitely! For risotto? -- yes! Salads, though, is an entirely new concept to me. I’m not sure why I was stick on this idea that barley had to be eaten while it’s hot. With its slightly...
German Plum Cake (Zwetschgenkuchen)

German Plum Cake (Zwetschgenkuchen)

Here in Germany, summer time is plum cake time. As soon as they make their arrival at the farmers' market, arrives also the immediate request from my favorite Schwabe to bake a tradition "Zwetschgenkuchen". Not just any plum cake, but one with a crumbly topping called "Streusel" -- in his opinion, very crucial to a good plum cake! Anyone who knows me, knows that I rarely eat anything sweet, or...
Pasta with Heirloom Tomatoes, Anchovies, Capers & Olives

Pasta with Heirloom Tomatoes, Anchovies, Capers & Olives

The best thing about this ridiculously easy pasta dish is that it packs a ton of fresh flavor. The key is sweet, ripe summer tomatoes! And if you can get your hands on them a mix of heirlooms in all sorts of beautiful colors. Not only are they grown in a stunning array of colors, they also have their own unique textures and flavor profiles. I gathered an assortment...
Summer Beans with Pears and Bacon

Green Beans with Pears and Bacon

An odd sounding but absolutely delicious dish in Northern Germany is one called “Birnen, Bohnen und Speck” (green beans with pears and bacon). I first was introduced to this delicious number by my friend Ines. It’s a regular at her family functions. Intrigued, I had to give it a try. My way of course. Though, I’m not sure there is a right way. I think every family has their...