Sicilian-Style Romanesco with Capers and Lemon

It may seem new to some of us, but actually romanesco has actually been around forever! Forever as in ages, ages as in 16th century Italy. Like I said, forever. A cross between broccoli and cauliflower, it’s unapologetically captivating. I mean, really, it’s structure is quite a marvel. Such a marvel that I could even get my favorite Schwabe’s boys to eat it. Okay, not in this variation, but...
Banana Raspberry Muffins

Banana Raspberry Muffins

Here's another perfect on-the-go any time of day snack. This batch of beautiful, healthy banana and raspberry muffins are made with yogurt, homemade apple sauce (easy as pie, by the way) and sweetened with a little bit of natural cane sugar and a smidgen of honey. I used half all-purpose flour and half whole grain spelt flour. Be sure to use a proper tablespoon measure for the yogurt, otherwise you'll...
Roasted Beet Salad in a Lemon-Pistachio Vinaigrette

Roasted Beet Salad in a Lemon-Pistachio Vinaigrette

Roasting beets can take up to an hour, sometimes even longer so if you are squeezed for time, then just cut them up and steam them --you’ll shorten their cooking time by half! Simply trim and half the beets and steam them using a collapsible stainless steel steamer basket – remember these? They’re been around forever! Be sure to leave the skin on, it’s keeps them looking vibrant and it’s...
Tante Ilses Dressing für Caesar Salad

Aunt Ilse’s Homemade Caesar Salad Dressing

Was 'Caesar salad' invented by or named after Julius Caesar? Or did it originate from the Italian owner's of Caesar's restaurant in Tijuana? Whatever the true origin, the original recipe included romaine, garlic, croutons, and parmesan cheese, boiled eggs, olive oil and Worcestershire sauce. This caesar salad dressing recipe is a little different, and frankly my favorite, concocted by my great Aunt Ilse and passed along through the family over...
Ginger – Simply Good For You

Ginger – Simply Good For You

Not only is ginger a versatile spice in the culinary world, it’s also one of the oldest and oh so popular natural remedies around. One I always kept on hand. Ginger has been used in Chinese Medicine for thousands of years and is said to help a number of common ailments, whether it be upset stomachs, respiratory issues or even skin problems. Along with garlic, it’s one of the primary...
Classic Sponge Vanilla Marble Cake

Classic Sponge Vanilla Marble Cake

Chocolate and vanilla - what could be better? Classic "marble cake" is a mix of light and dark cake batter, mixed together after pouring in layers to creating the effect of a marble pattern. This is a classic German recipe made by and passed on to me from my one and only -- my favorite Schwabe. Moist, tender and irresistible, it's often offered in cafes and bakeries across Germany....