Kochen mit Gusseisen - Tipps zur Pflege von Kochgeschirr aus Gusseisen

Cooking with Cast Iron — Caring, Cleaning & Seasoning

Almost every one knows of someone who has cast iron cookware that has been passed on with the generations. This is because a good cast iron pan is a workhorse in the kitchen and there are plenty of benefits to cooking with it. Properly cared for they can last for generations. What I particularly love about it is that it can be used on any stovetop (whether it’s electric, gas,...
Apfel Streuselkuchen Rezept

Apple Crumb Cake

A real classic: a delicious apple crumb cake with tender juicy apples and a brown sugar, oatmeal crumb topping. This apple cake is packed with apples — in the cake batter itself and thinly sliced apples under the streusel topping. It’s perfectly sweet without being super sweet — with half the amount of sugar as my recipe for Oma’s Apple Crumble. It’s a cake for anyone who likes a...
Kartoffel-Curry-Eintopf mit Kokos und Spinat

One-Pan Potato Coconut Curry with Spinach

This EASY one-pan potato coconut curry has so much delicious flavor! It’s healthy, plant-based comfort food that tastes AMAZING!! It’s made with both potatoes and sweet potatoes and a curry-like medley of spices (cumin, coriander, cayenne and turmeric), plus some flavour boosting favorites: onion, garlic, ginger and fresh chili. Hearty and comforting, it’s also naturally vegan and gluten-free. AND it makes fantastic leftovers! Simple, healthy and so delicious So if you’re...
Tomatenrisotto Rezept mit

Tomato Risotto with Fresh Tomatoes & Zucchini Goat Cheese Parcels

This easy and classic tomato risotto is one of my favourite ways to enjoy sweet, juicy vine-ripened tomatoes while they are still in season. Here they are blistered on a grill plate which intensifies their flavour and brings out their rich sweet juices before they are added to the risotto. Which is served topped with grilled zucchini goats cheese parcels — adding a little bit of luxury to your...
Buttermilch Zwetschgenkuchen mit Streusel Rezept

Plum Crumble Cake

This quick and easy recipe plum crumble cake is a great way to enjoy an abundance of late summer plums. Although you can use any variety, I like to use “Bühler Zwetschen” for this buttermilk cake as they are slightly tart and juicy (making them perfect for a crumble cake) and they have a welcome complexity of flavor. What makes this plum crumble cake special First of all, it’s a buttermilk...
Grünkern-Salat mit Apfel & Parmesan

Grünkern Salad with Apple & Parmesan

Crispy shallots, tart apple and parmesan fill out this hearty Grünkern salad recipe. It has all the elements for a perfect grain salad. Together with toasted almonds, peppery arugula and fresh basil it offers so many flavour and textural elements. Sweet, tart, salty, nutty and umami. And it makes a perfect side dish or meal on its own. Grünkern: more than just a side dish Anyone who follows my blog knows...