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Grilled Eggplant, Tomato, Halloumi and Bulgur Salad

Grilled Eggplant, Tomato, Halloumi and Bulgur Salad

Here’s a vegetarian grilled eggplant, tomato, halloumi and bulgur recipe that even meat lovers will go crazy for! Anyone who has had grilled halloumi together...
Bratkartoffeln mit Spiegelei

Fried Potatoes and Eggs

Fried potatoes and eggs makes for a simple, tasty and satisfying meal that can be enjoyed anytime of day. This classic is more than...
Buchweizen Pfannkuchen mit Schinken, Käse und Spiegelei von ELAG LeMax Tischgrill

Buckwheat Pancakes with Ham, Cheese and Egg

Inspired by the French “crêpe complete” these easy to make buckwheat pancakes are loaded up with Comté cheese, ham and a fried egg making...
Tandoori Hähnchenspieße mit Gemüse & Joghurt Dip

Tandoori Chicken Kebabs with Mint-Yogurt Dip

These tandoori chicken kebabs are my new favourite meal idea for summer grilling! If you love s bit of spice, with juicy tender grilled...
Italienisches Antipasti Sandwich mit gegrilltem Gemüse

Grilled Vegetable Antipasti Sandwich

Meet your new sandwich, the grilled vegetable antipasti sandwich with pesto and lemon ricotta. Simple and delicious, this is for all veggie lovers out...
German Style Kale (Grünkohl mit Pinkel)

German Style Kale (Grünkohl mit Pinkel)

When cooked properly, this typical Northwest German dish has a nice savory taste that complements the robustness of the sausages and potatoes that are...
Kartoffelpuffer mit Räucherlachs und Crème Fraîche

Potato Latkes with Smoked Salmon & Crème Fraîche

Classic potato latkes infused with extra flavor and goodness. Elevated with parsnip, green onion and kale, these latkes are fantastic served for brunch or...
Lamm Köfte gegrillt mit Kräuter-Joghurt-Dip

Grilled Lamb Kofta with Herb-Yoghurt Dip

Lamb Kofta is bursting with warm aromatic spices and Middle Eastern flavours. Juicy and delicious, these mini-sized kofta make for a fantastic appetizer that...
Garnelen-Ananas Spieße mit Kokos & Limetten

Coconut-Lime Shrimp Skewers with Pineapple

Many thanks to ELAG Products GmbH for sponsoring this recipe.Grilled coconut-lime shrimp skewers are a great addition to any summer BBQ. The prawns are first marinated...
Vegetarische Süßkartoffel-Burger von LeMax Grill

Sweet Potato Veggie Burger

Not only is this a veggie burger—it's a sweet potato burger! A sweet potato veggie burger. One that is packed with lots of healthy...
Tomatenrisotto Rezept mit

Tomato Risotto with Fresh Tomatoes & Zucchini Goat Cheese Parcels

This easy and classic tomato risotto is one of my favourite ways to enjoy sweet, juicy vine-ripened tomatoes while they are still in season....
Blumenkohl-Steaks mit Tahini-Sauce und Kapern-Salsa

Cauliflower Steaks with Tahini & Caper-Herb Salsa

Cauliflower steaks make an impressive side dish — one that is highly versatile. Cauliflower is simply cut into “steaks”, brushed with olive oil and...

Apple Pancakes

Traditional German apple pancakes, what’s not to love? Whether you are a fan of thick or thin pancakes, there is always a place for...
Original Crêpes Rezept (französische Pfannkuchen)

Traditional French Crêpes Recipe

Traditional French Crêpes just like in France! With this basic recipe for crêpes batter, you can easily make these thin pancakes yourself! These homemade...
Asiatische Zoodles (Zucchini-Nudeln Rezept)

Zucchini Noodle Stir-Fry (Zoodles Recipe)

This delicious Asian-style zucchini noodle stir fry-this makes for an easy and healthy dish. Zucchini “noodles” (aka zoodles), green onions and Chinese cabbage are...
Rotes Thai Curry mit gegrillten Ananas-Garnelen Spießen

Thai Red Curry with Grilled Pineapple-Prawn-Skewers

Thai Red Curry — delicious, bold Thai flavours and a creamy red curry sauce that is so good you can put anything in it...
Gegrillte Hähnchenbrust mit Avocado-Salsa

Grilled Chicken Breast with Avocado Salsa

Healthy grilled chicken breast topped with fresh avocado salsa makes this dish a delicious low-carb dinner in less than 30 minutes! One that is...
Pizza Grillen mit dem LeMax Elektrogrill

Grilled Pizza on the LeMax Grill

If you're craving brick-oven crispy pizza crust, you can get the same results right a home with grilled pizza. And this pizza is everything!...
Hähnchen Schawarma Rezept mit Joghurt Sauce

Chicken Shawarma

Grilled chicken shawarma with yogurt sauce – an easy version of the classic Middle Eastern street food which is usually cooked on a vertical,...

Black Bean Quesadillas – Quick and Easy!

It’s time you meet the easiest and quickest vegetarian quesadilla recipe. 15-minute black bean quesadillas. And it goes without saying, they are also super...