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Grilled Eggplant, Tomato, Halloumi and Bulgur Salad

Grilled Eggplant, Tomato, Halloumi and Bulgur Salad

Here’s a vegetarian grilled eggplant, tomato, halloumi and bulgur recipe that even meat lovers will go crazy for! Anyone who has had grilled halloumi together...
Tortellini-Auflauf (Eintopf-Rezept)

Easy Tortellini Casserole with Spinach

This easy tortellini casserole recipe is a family favourite and a great alternative to classic lasagne — it’s less effort and time to put...
Bratkartoffeln mit Spiegelei

Fried Potatoes and Eggs

Fried potatoes and eggs makes for a simple, tasty and satisfying meal that can be enjoyed anytime of day. This classic is more than...
Buchweizen Pfannkuchen mit Schinken, Käse und Spiegelei von ELAG LeMax Tischgrill

Buckwheat Pancakes with Ham, Cheese and Egg

Inspired by the French “crêpe complete” these easy to make buckwheat pancakes are loaded up with Comté cheese, ham and a fried egg making...
Sellerie-Kartoffel-Rösti mit Kräutern

Celery-Root Potato Latkes with Herbs

Whether its celery-root potatoes latkes, zucchini puffers, or potato pancakes, they are all one of those delicious dishes that just don’t get enough love....
Original Crêpes Rezept (französische Pfannkuchen)

Traditional French Crêpes Recipe

Traditional French Crêpes just like in France! With this basic recipe for crêpes batter, you can easily make these thin pancakes yourself! These homemade...
Marmeladen-Streusel-Kuchen Rezept mit GLÜCK Marmelade aus Johannisbeeren

Jam Crumble Cake

Jam Crumble Cake! Crumble fans rejoice! This recipe takes my love for red currants into new territory. You don’t have to wait to summer...
Pizza Grillen mit dem LeMax Elektrogrill

Grilled Pizza on the LeMax Grill

If you're craving brick-oven crispy pizza crust, you can get the same results right a home with grilled pizza. And this pizza is everything!...
Bunte Grillspieße mit Gemüse und Halloumi

Halloumi and Vegetable Skewers

Grilled Halloumi and Vegetable Skewers are a summertime favourite. Easy to prepare, these grilled veggie kabobs with halloumi are the ultimate choice for vegetarian...
Gegrillter Käse-Sandwich mit Brie, Apfel & Honig-Senf (Grilled Cheese Sandwich)

Apple Brie Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Honey Mustard

These fast and easy grilled cheese sandwiches with brie and apple make the perfect snack or appetiser! If you haven't tried an apple brie...
Gözleme mit Spinat und Feta - Gefülltes Fladenbrot-Rezept

Homemade Gozleme with Spinach and Feta

Turkish Gozleme Recipe – easy, homemade, Turkish flatbread that’s perfectly crispy on the outside and filled with delicious Mediterranean flavors (spinach and feta) on...
Gegrillter Saibling: Ganzer Fisch vom Grill

Grilled Char: Whole Grilled Fish

Grilled char is one of my absolute favourite types of fish to enjoy whole. And the beauty of cooking whole fish is that it's...
Tomatenrisotto Rezept mit

Tomato Risotto with Fresh Tomatoes & Zucchini Goat Cheese Parcels

This easy and classic tomato risotto is one of my favourite ways to enjoy sweet, juicy vine-ripened tomatoes while they are still in season....
Flammkuchen mit Lachs, Kapern, Dill und Creme Fraische

Tarte Flambée with Salmon (Flammkuchen)

Tarte flambée with salmon is my truly all-time favourite way to enjoy classic Flammkuchen. It’s incredibly simple to make but at the same time...
„Cappuccino“ Shortbread Kekse mit dunkler Schokolade Rezept

Cappuccino Shortbread with Dark Chocolate

It just isn’t Christmas without Cappuccino Shortbread. That’s what my family would say. These delicious cookies make an appearance every year without fail. Okay,...
Hähnchen Schawarma Rezept mit Joghurt Sauce

Chicken Shawarma

Grilled chicken shawarma with yogurt sauce – an easy version of the classic Middle Eastern street food which is usually cooked on a vertical,...
Italienisches Antipasti Sandwich mit gegrilltem Gemüse

Grilled Vegetable Antipasti Sandwich

Meet your new sandwich, the grilled vegetable antipasti sandwich with pesto and lemon ricotta. Simple and delicious, this is for all veggie lovers out...
Tandoori Hähnchenspieße mit Gemüse & Joghurt Dip

Tandoori Chicken Kebabs with Mint-Yogurt Dip

These tandoori chicken kebabs are my new favourite meal idea for summer grilling! If you love s bit of spice, with juicy tender grilled...
Gegrillter Spargel mit italienischer Salsa Verde & Riesengarnelen

Grilled Asparagus with Italian Salsa Verde & Tiger Prawns

Grilled asparagus makes for an easy, delicious and healthy side dish that’s ready to serve in 15-minutes. In this recipe, it's topped with Italian...
Tortilla Española (Spanische Tortilla) mit roter Paprika

Tortilla Española (Spanish Potato Frittata) with Sweet Red Pepper

Tortilla Española (also known as Spanish Omelette) couldn’t be easier to prepare! Sliced potatoes and onions are fried in plenty of olive oil, then...